Wednesday, 18 November 2015

The End

The book which all these photographs are mounted was "liberated"! It carries the title page "Sport-Logbuch der Marine Flak Abt. 813"

Above is a scan of one of the few pages with anything written on it during its German owned life.

I've finished recording the information and the book is now in the Imperial War Museum.

's Gravenzande June 1945 (4)

 Don't know, The Photographer & Lt Dargdij - 3 officers of the Dutch Resistance Movement

 Lant, L/Bdr O'Brien, Lucas & Sgt Knight

 German 12cm Naval Gun
 BSM Eric Owen

 Vaughan climbing on the Duin

 Tiny, Smart & Norris

Graham Siwell & John James Farquaharson (original owner of the book)